A clear sky. Low 63F. Winds light and variable..
A clear sky. Low 63F. Winds light and variable.
Listings may be sent to: Goings On, Gloucester Daily Times, 36 Whittemore St.,Gloucester , MA 01930, or emailed to Joann Mackenzie at jomackenzie@glouceertimes.com, at least two weeks prior to an event.
MANCHESTER — On Tuesday, Sept, 13, Manchester’s Seaside Garden Club will hold its first meeting of the new season. Guest speaker is Rosemary Malfi, the pollinator network coordinator for Northeast Organic Farming Association Massachusetts. The Massachusetts Pollinator Network is a statewide initiative to connect and support the growing number of communities, organizations, growers, and researchers working to protect pollinators and native plant communities across the Commonwealth. The Seaside Garden Club supports the Pollinator Network. The club welcomes all types of gardeners, from beginners to experienced, to join. The club meets on the second Tuesday of the month, September to June, at the Manchester Community Center, =Harbor Point, Manchester. Social with light refreshments is at 7 p.m., followed by the program at 7:30 p.m. Annual membership is $30, make checks payable to The Seaside Garden Club, PO Box 94, Manchester, 01944. Guests are welcome to the September meeting for free. Subsequently, there is a $5 fee for guests.
The Magnolia Cribbage League will meet Wednesday, Sept. 7, at 6 p.m. in the Magnolia Library Center, 1 Lexington Ave. This is an informal evening of cribbage games. The Magnolia Library Center requests a $25 donation from each player per quarter. Please come and sign up and discuss how this league will go forward. For more information, email Dot Sieradzki at dotsieradzki@gmail.com, or cll her at 1-978-835-2439.
MANCHESTER — The Manchester Council on Aging has a range of trips waiting for seniors through the summer. All require advance reservations for seat assignment on the van by calling the Council on Aging office at 978-526-7500, or stopping by the office at 10 Central St. Please note: masks are required on the van..
Wednesday, Sept. 7, lunch at the Village Restaurant in Essex — enjoy award-winning fresh seafood and full menu. Reserve seat for Van pick-up around 11 a.m.
Friday, Sept. 9, to the malls— Choose between the North Shore or Liberty Tree malls. Reserve seat for van pick-up around 10 a.m.
Wednesday, Sept. 14, Castle Island and Sullivans— visit Castle Island and lunch at Sullivan’s. Castle Island located in South Boston; houses Fort Independence. circa 1834. Hot dogs, ice cream and great harbor views. Reserve seat for van pick-up, 10:30 a.m. Return by 2 p.m.
Friday, Sept. 16, trip Trader Joe’s, — also Burlington Coat Factory, & T.J. Maxx, Walmart. Van pick=up starts at 10: a.m. For further information or to reserve your seat on the van, please call the C.O.A. Office at 526-7500. Masks are required.
Wednesday, Sept. 21, trip to Brooksby Farm in Peabody — farm fresh produce, pumpkin yard, jams, jellies, apple cider donuts and more. Van pick up starts around 10:15 a.m. / return 1 p.m. Reserve your seat at 978_526-7500_
Friday, Sept. 23, Concord Museum & lunch — see the oldest and most treasured collections of Americana in the country. Lunch follows at The Club Car Café. Reserve your seat at 978_526-7500. Van pick up an starts at at 10 a.m.. $12: Lunch is on your own.
Wednesday, Sept. 28, monthly mystery ride — bring your appetite for fun and treats to a mystery destination on the North Shore. Pick-up starts at 12 p.m./ return by 2 p.m. Reserve your seat at 978_526-7500.
ROCKPORT — Rockport Public Library, 17 School St., has some fun and inventive events coming up as we ease into fall. For more information, call 978-546-6934, or visit rockportlibrary.org. Events requiring registration are noted below with contact info. Please note:The Library will be closed on Monday, September 5th for Labor Day
Tuesdays at 2 p.m., Tuesdays at Two Movie Matinee — Next up in the Brenner Room on Sept. 6 is a 2022 biographical/drama that follows a boxer-turned-priest who inspired countless people during his journey of redemption, and on Sept. 13 is 2022 mystery movie starring Kenneth Branagh as Hercule Poirot who must investigate the murder of a young heiress.
Tuesdays, 10 to 11:30 a.m., Preschool Story Time in the Garden— With Miss Emily. Children’s Room open 10:30 to 11:30 a.m.after story time .
Saturdays, 10 a.m., Crafting in the Children’s Room — with a new craft weekly. Crafts are placed on the crafting table, while supplies last. No registration required.
Wednesday, Sept. 7, 1 to 2 p.m., Play to Learn Virtual Playgroup — This caregiver-and-child group meets in the children’s room or on Zoom to share stories,, songs and more. Register for Zoom link at: https://rockportlibrary.org/events/.
Wednesday, Sept. 7, 4 to 5 p.m., Board and Card Games — For kids ages 9+! Bring a game or choose from the library’s selection. No Registration Required.
Thursday, Sept. 8, at 4 p.m. Cubing Club — Rubik’s Cube, new in the Trustees Room for kids! Share strategies and compete with timed solves. Cubes and one timing mat available or bring your own. Under 9 must have caregiver. Questions? Email: esouza@rockportlibrary.org
Saturday, Sept. 10, at 11:a.m., Magician Ed Popielarcyzk— join him in the Brenner Room for a special magic show that digs deep into kid’s imaginations and includes levitating. Please register at: https://rockportlibrary.org/events/. The Start U Reading series is made possible by the generous support of MEFA, The Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority.
Wednesday, Sept. 14, 1 to 2 p.m., Play to Learn Virtual Playgroup— caregivers-and-children meet in the children’s room OR on Zoom to share stories, songs, and sensory activities. Siblings welcome. Register at: https://rockportlibrary.org/events/ to receive a Zoom link and activity packet.
Wednesday, Sept. 14, Board and Card Games — in the Brenner Room; board and card games for kids ages 9+! Bring a game or choose one from the library’s selection. Required.
Thursday, Sept. 15, 4 p.m., new cubing club— Rubik’s cube solving for kids in the Brenner Room. Share strategies and compete with timed solves. Cubes and one timing mat available or bring your own. Questions? Email: esouza@rockportlibrary.org
Thursday, Sept. 15, 7 p.m. Book Talk by Michael Meltsner— in the Brenner Room discussing hs new book, “Mosiac: Who Paid for the Bullet?”. No registration required.
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